Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Congrats to number 6 / Denise!! You were chosen by random.org as the winner of this month's challenge! Please email me your mailing info.


Thanks to everyone that played along and created a project for this challenge. I really enjoyed looking at each and every one:)


ps...a special shout out to Micia over at YellowBird Creations for her help with this month's challenge:) U Rawk!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Halloween Challenge

Thanks for "flying" by on this Saturday!! I was so excited for fall to get here, but now that it is here, I have not had time for much of anything:( Craziness has arrived at my home!!! But I sure am LOVIN' the cooler temps!

We saved the regular FIRST FRIDAY CHALLENGE for today since there were SOOO many fun crafty things going on last week. So, I guess we could call it SECOND SATURDAY CHALLENGE???

Myself and Micia over at YellowBird Creations had a few plans that did not pan at, but you are still in for a treat!!! I am holding a challenge and she is ALSO doing a give-a-way!! So make sure and stop by her blog after you leave here! She made the cutest project, you won't want to miss it!!!

Here's what I did!!


place on mirror, windows, fridge, etc...

Here's another!
All I did was purchase WHITE contact paper from any store, I got mine at Wal-Mart. Decide what you what to make and cut it out!!! You can layer with paper for dimension. Ie....haunted house, pumpkin faces, the options are endless!!!

How do you enter the challenge?
**Make a HALLOWEEN item (card, layout, altered item, you get the idea)
**Post it here on Mister Linky
**Make sure you leave a COMMENT

A winner will be chosen on TUESDAY.....so get creating:) Your project must be created with Cricut Me That in mind!! You have until Midnight on Monday to enter!!

What will you win??
2 packs of paper and Martha Stewart Stamps

Now don't forget to "fly" by to my friend Micia's blog:
YellowBird Creations

Saturday, October 2, 2010

National Card Making Day

The precious Jenny over at Crazy About Cricut asked me to make a card for the National Card Making Day celebration on her blog. Here's what I came up with.

I wanted to do something that was "no cricut required". Since NOT everyone has a cricut *gasp* :)

This was VERY simple. I free handed the ghost, double inked him, added a face and glued him on. Made the BOO tag, glued it on - and that's it!! Pretty easy, huh?

I did add stamps on the inside page, but that is not necessary.

Lime, Black, White cardstock
lime & black ink
Stampin' Up! stamps / ink
ATG for the adhesive

So what are your plans for National Card Making Day?

Mine, I am playing 'til around 2pm (cst) then come 2.30 I have other plans!!! Today is the OU vs. TX game and that's like our "superbowl" - lol!!! Boomer!!!!

Here's what I did yesterday:

LOL, I took some vinyl, gypsied an O and U and cut!!! So even my nails are sporting crimson colors this weekend:)

Have a GREAT weekend!!!

***BTW, if you were wondering where the FIRST FRIDAY CHALLENGE is - I postponed it until next week! There were SO many other fun things going on this weekend, I figured it best:)***

Monday, September 27, 2010

Holiday Cricut Cut Swap - Package Received!!!

Received my envelope of cricut cuts from the holiday cut swap hosted by Paper Crafts by Candace......THANKS to everyone that participated:) I enjoyed it and look forward to the next one!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Halloween Blog Hop Winner!

Congrats go to:

Wendy who said...

"Love that you made your Frankenstatic box out of a butter box! Super cute idea!!! You are too funny, 1st time @ your blog & I'm lovin' it!
I just moved & my craft room is smaller (was actually just trying to organize it). I love the tote, I'd use it for my crop-o-dial, pens & scissors, etc, all the basic necessities for us crafters!"

Hope you love it Wendy!! Email me your shipping address and I will get it out to you:)

Thank you to everyone that stopped by ~ hope you had as much fun as we did putting it on for you, there was some amazing ideas. I better get to work, my brain is exploring with projects:)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Halloween Blog Hop: crazyABOUTcricut

Hello and thank you for "hopping" by!

If you arrived here from the very sweet Sarah over at Pink Cricut then you are in the right place. If by chance you just stumbled on to my blog or came to see what I was up to.......hop over to Jenny's blog crazyABOUTcricut and start at the beginning. I promise you won't want to miss one single blog.....all 10 are sPoOkTaCuLaR!!!

Here are a few still shots of my project.

(btw, if you would prefer NOT to listen to my "playlist", scroll to the BOTTOM of this page and press the pause button)

Below you will find a video that gives you a bit more detail about my Frankenstein Treat Holder. Make sure and WATCH all the way though.....I will show you what BLOG CANDY I have up for a give-a-way. Tell me you want to miss that, yeah, I didn't think so:)

Don't laugh, the lighting was weird, my memory kept leaving me, some parts were blurry, my battery died, I TRIED to figure out how to edit, but I just couldn't find the time....so just deal with my REAL video - hope you enjoy!!

**What I was going to say, at the end before my camera DIED was:

Within your comment, tell me what you would use MY blog candy for:) (if you should win) I would love to hear all the different ways and places it could be used!

Rules to Win:
1. leave a comment (make sure I can contact you)
2. follow my blog (please - you know you want to, LOL)
3. share this Halloween Blog hop with your friends

For an EXTRA chance to win:
**Subscribe to my youtube channel**

Winner will be picked with the help of random.com and will be announced Monday, September the 20th!

Don't forget to be eligible to win Emma's Gypsy Magic DVD and the two Disney/Halloween A2 CuttleBug folders - you need to leave a comment on crazyABOUTcricut's blog.

Thanks for watching and I hope you didn't fall out of your chair laughing at me, LOL:) Thank you for putting up for my craziness!!

Now hop over to Tanya at Scrappy Scavenger to see what she has waiting for you.

Happy Hauntings!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sour Cream Treat Holders

Yes, this is a crazy video....but you get the idea!

Yes, I must be dyslexic....the stamp says No Tricks only Treats - I TOTALLY transposed that, lol!!!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tip: Brad Setter - we all have one.....

Do you find it difficult to set brads? Watch this....you can make your own with things already in your home.

2 Kitchen Utensils Used for Crafting

Do you snag kitchen utensils to use while crafting - I do!! Find out my two favs:)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Think Pink Challenge Winner

Drum Roll Please........

#12 / Ivette

Congrats Ivette you are the winner of the PINK BY DESIGN $25 gift certificate - you will have 90 days yo use it!!! I personally don' think I could wait that long though, LOL!!

**please email me your shipping info, so Sarah can get this out to you**

****IF YOU DIDN'T WIN, remember you still get a $3 off certificate good for this month, please make sure and email me your name and email address****

Thank you for everyone for making this another fun challenge!!

Don't forget there is still a chance for 2 people to win CuttleBug awareness ribbon die....the top two photos with the most "likes" will win!!!


PS.....a HUGE thank you to Sarah for offering such an a-may-zing prize!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Reminders!! Bottle Swap / First Friday Challenge

If you have been designing a THINK PINK project - link 'em up.....2 hours left:)

If you were wanting to sign up for the bottle swap - now's the time!!!

email: cricutmethat@gmail.com this questionnaire!!!!
you have 2 hours left!!!!

Would you prefer to receive FALL (pumpkins/scarecrows) or HALLOWEEN items, or both?

What is your favorite:
Color(s) to use during this season?
“Item(s)” to decorate with during this season?
“Character” to use during this season?

Are you a scrap-booker, card maker or both?

How long have you been paper crafting?

Where do you get most of your supplies (favorite store or site)?

What colors do you use the most when paper crafting?

What colors are unused the most when you are paper crafting?

What embellishment can you just NOT get enough of, and you will find it on most of your paper crafting items that you make?

Do you have a craft area? How is it decorated?

Anything else you want your bottle swap partner to know?

Your Name:
Mailing address:
Email address:

Friday, September 3, 2010

First Friday Challenge #3: Think Pink!

Welcome!! This month's challenge was chosen to remind us all of the

In honor on October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I wanted to take this time to offer a few ideas of my own and allow you to view various others. You will be able to take these projects and have time to make use of them.

It seems now-a-days everyone of us has been touched by the disease. My grandmother had a total mastectomy a few years back - but she survived it!! She is a strong woman and to her that just made her the woman she is today. I believe this fits her pretty well: Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it by the handle of anxiety, or by the handle of faith. ~Author Unknown

Theme Details:
*Think Pink, project must contain the color pink and some sort of inspirational/encouraging message pertaining to breast cancer....however you interpret this.

*The project must be your unique creation that was made specially for this challenge, after this post AND only one entry per person, please.

*You project must contain as least ONE cricut cut.

Challenge Starts: Friday, September 3rd at 8 am CST
Ends: Monday, September 6th at 11:59 pm CST
Winner Announced: Tuesday, September 7th
Facebook Contest Begins: Tuesday, September 7th (lasts 24 hours)
Facebook Contest Ends: Wednesday, Septmeber 8th

I have a special surprise for you...drum roll, please!!!

Sarah from Pink Cricut has generously given the blog candy for this months challenge. She recently announced her line of Pink by Design stamps and has a special announcement TODAY regarding her store...so go check out her website!

The WINNER of the random.org drawing will luckily get a $25 gift certificate to Pink by Design to spend however you choose. (good for 90 days)
Pretty awesome, huh?

Well, there's more!!

EVERY SINGLE person that participates in this challenge will get a gift certificate for $3 off any purchase during the month of September.

So, technically -----> everyone's a WINNER :)

**in order to receive your gift certificate you MUST email me your first/last name & email address.....make sure the subject line says:
Pink by Design Think Pink

I had a special give-a-way for this challenge too, but I will save it for later in the month...so be watching!! BUT, I do have something VERY fitting to give away, so I will go ahead and do it!

I have TWO Cuttlebug Awareness Ribbon Dies that I will give the winners of a facebook contest....for those of you that have a facebook and like to get a bit competitive:) After the challenge is closed and the winner is announced I will place all the creations into an album in Cricut Me That's facebook and the top two pictures with the most likes will get the ribbon dies.
~plus this way, more people get to see what wonderful projects you made~

One more detail:
If you are wanting to do something "worth while" with your "card" if that's what you choose to make - email me and I will send you an address of a place you can send your "un-used card". We have a group locally called Survivor Sisters and they will use your cards to encourage woman that have just been diagnosed.

On to the fun!!!
Here are my creations:

I decided to create 2 cards for today!

Card is an A2 size....my favorite now-a-days!

Mirror/Border cut @ 3.28 x 3.15
French Manor Cart
Ribbons cut @ .35 x .54
Stand & Salute Cart
Mirror cut from vellum, clear with swirls

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

I can’t see myself at all.

Others envision a different me,

Why couldn’t my body just be?

Wrapped with cloth from left to right,

It is a daunting sight.

I am strong, I will recover,

In this dark I see a glimmer.

Mirror, mirror on the wall,

I am the most beautiful woman of all.

~abbie taborsky, 2010


Another A2 card!

Cuttlebugged background
Printed quote from computer

Shaker card.....watch for video (my video prepared for today got messed up...I will be filming and posting during this challenge)
Ribbons cut @ .35 x .54
Stand & Salute Cart
Scallop cut @ 3.67 x 4.63
Forever Young Cart, gypsied flower

inside....ribbon cut with cuttlebug die


Fromicia from YellowBird Creations is still hanging in there with me as my monthly guest designer.....so glad she has stuck around!! Thank you:) Stop by her blog, she blows me away with her creations!

card..."great breasts are worth fighting for"

journal..."fight like a girl"

Christel over at Scrappin' Sister
is my other guest designer for this month. Go check out her blog, she has she really fun creations!! I'm completely impressed that she accepted this offer while she WAS MOVING!!! Kudos!!
card..."there is hope"

Head over to their blogs for more details on how they made their cards!!!!

Thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by and I look forward to seeing what you create!!

**Create ~ Link ~ Comment **
(participants link to mister linky and comment, will verify before announcing winner)

Email me - if you don't have a blog/website, I will be HAPPY to
link your project for you!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Old, New, Red & Blue Challenge

Hello everyone!! K over at Gypsy Cruz is hosting her first ever challenge. I am so excited for her......she has been crafting for a very long time, but just broke into the blogging world.....WELCOME!!!

Check out her blog and play along:
Gypsy Cruz
She is offering blog candy for the winner, which will be chosen randomly!!

She graciously asked me to be a guest designer and I happily agreed. I wanted to create something other than a card....here's what I came up with!!

~~Honestly today came quickly, I wanted to make a video to show you how I made this bucket, but that will have to be another post......keep your eyes posted~~

OLD: the wire used the make the handle...it is floral wire and I have not used it in quite some time

NEW: the red polka dot paper - bought a long time ago, but never used it

RED and BLUE: you can see

BORROWED: the idea, I "memory banked" it, I while back and finally decided to try it

One requirement was to be creative with the lettering, I chose to using my sewing machine to write "thank you". I cut out the center to the red border and taped the piece of material down, then glued the red onto the white background.

Thought this quote was fitting for my "bucket".

The side "hinges" are actually a "tag punch", folded in half. The bottom edge and top bucket edge is punched with the "floral lace" punch by Martha Stewart. I chose that punch because another requirement to the challenge was there had to be some sort of floral element.